Lens Resolution Test

The following links open side by side resolution comparisons of several Canon mount AF lenses.  They include:
Canon 17-35 f2.8 "L Series"
Canon 85 f1.2 "L Series" (seems to be closer to 105mm as these tests show)
Canon 50 f2.5 Macro
Canon 28-105 f3.5-4.5
Tamron 28-105 f2.8
Tokina 28-70 f2.6-2.8

The "target" was a newspaper quality printed page that was focused at 1.04 Meters (40.9") in all cases.  All images were captured with a tripod-mounted Kodak Professional DCS-520 digital camera (1/125 second shutter speed).  The resulting images posted here are 200 x 200 pixel crops from those images (from center or near to center of image).  There was no resizing done in order to maintain the relationship and "pure" sharpness in the tests.  Also, there was no color correction performed since I did not want any type of contrast shift to occur as a result.   All of the images were process in exactly the same manner.

In some cases, I was skeptical of the resulting softness.  In those cases, I double checked my focus and reshot the images.  The results remained the same.

The results speak for themselves.

35mm Focal Length Comparisons
50mm Focal Length Comparisons
70mm Focal Length Comparisons
105mm Focal Length Comparisons